Monday, 14 December 2015

FIRST® LEGO® League robotics competition 2015.

Twenty-two Year 6 to 9 girls and boys again participated in the FIRST® LEGO® League robotics competition.  A complete description of the Trash Trek event can be found here.

Serious technical discussions with the competition judges!

Congratulations to all the students on both teams for the fantastic results again this year!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Using the new EV3's.

We rebuilt the two new EV3's that we purchased for the competition in December using the excellent and free guide written by Damien Kee.  On his website you can also find some useful activity books and worksheets for programming the EV3 as well as the older NXT.  

We are also planning to use the excellent and free video tutorials produced by Dale Yocum.  His tutorials will supplement lessons if, for example, students need to catch up due to illness or if they want to get ahead in preparation for next year's FLL competition.  Dale Yocum also has robot building instructions and other resources on his website.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Robot Challenge event for Year 5 students.

Today we hosted the third Robot Challenge event at our school and it was fully booked yet again.  The visiting Year 5 students were given a brief introduction about how the robots work and then set a challenge to program the robots to accurately complete a course in the fastest time possible.

Emotions are running high as sometimes the robots don't do what they're supposed to!

If your students want to participate in one of our free Robot Challenge events, please get in touch.  If you have a large group it may be possible for our team to visit your school.